Tablon La Independencia
El Salvador, Santa Ana
Manufacturer/Station Manager:
Jose Antonio, Andres ve Jose JR Salaverria
San Francisco
Catuai, Bourbon
1400 - 1750 mT
December 2022
Nordic Approach
Tasting Notes:
Hints of Peach, Rosehip, Intense Black Tea
CUP Score: 86,3
Roaster's Notes:
Orkun Üstel
Even if I'm not a big fan of naturals, if you've been following our brand for a year, as you can see, we definitely have three to four kinds of naturals in our selection. 😊 The reason is that I want to choose clear, bright naturals that will not look like washed quality coffees and bring them together with naturalist quality coffee lovers. This is the first time we have an El Salvador in our selection for this harvest season and this season's winning action from El Salvador was Natural! 😊
Finca San Francisco is a large 294-hectare farm divided into “tables”. La Independencia, on the other hand, is one of the paintings they call Tablon, which is divided into different areas in this large field. Other paintings in the farm are; Tablon San Ramon, Tablon San Antonio, Tablon Las Ranas, Tablon La Independencia, Tablon El Pedregal, Tablon La Cabana, and Tablon Loma Linda.
José Antonio Salaverría’nın üretim felsefesi için →
San Francisco tarlasını işleten üreticiler Jose Antonio ve oğulları Andres ve Jose çiftliğin 6. kuşak üreticileri.
Jose Antonio ve oğulları kendi üretimleri ve daha bir çok tarladan gelen kahvelerin hepsini kendi işleme istasyonları Las Cruces’de işlemektedir. 1990 yılında aldıkları Las Cruces İşleme İstasyonu sonrası o yıldan bu zamana kendilerini oldukça geliştirdiler. Başarılarının çoğu kahveye olan tutkularından kaynaklanmaktadır.
Processing of Coffee:
After the ripe cherries are picked, they are dried on raised beds under canopies at Las Cruces stations. In this way, control during fermentation is easier, and as a result, coffees with fermented flavors are in the background and clean and complex flavors are at the forefront.
We hope you will love our first El Salvador coffee, which offers notes such as red grape in aroma, dried red apple, light peach in flavor, rosehip, intense black tea in flavor profile.